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Aside 28 Jan

like what you’ve seen?

head on over to for the real deal (yo).

21 Nov

As Wayne from Waynes World would say:     “…SHWING.”

(you can find the deets that make up this lovely rainbow here)

When did cardboard become so cool?

10 Nov

Check out this coffee stand this mom made for her young daughter. Kids are always drawn to the big cardboard boxes before the toys that are inside it seems, so maybe as a parent we should take that as a sign???

Glitter + eggs = la la love

27 Oct

Me to glitter is like peanut butter to jelly. So when I saw this idea I nearly fell to my knees. The rad thing about this diy is that it doesn’t have to be glitter…it can be confetti, fruity pebbles, nerds or sand to give to the brat next door.

Pretty DIY: Fabric wrapped hangers

27 Oct

After seeing this the other day on Pinterest (my latest addiction) I quickly checked this puppy out. I never thought making such an ugly plastic daily object would be so easy (and pretty)! Step by step directions can be found here.

Nice jugs

11 Oct



So you polished off the last of the milk with that messy piece of chocolate cake. ‘Now what ‘ you think? Chuck it or recycle (hopefully you would choose recycle). Thats an awfully large piece of plastic either way.

Here’s a great way to say ‘peace out’ to those zip lock baggies for the next days lunch. Easy diy instructions can be found here.

DIY painted jars

11 Oct


I love glass jars but never know what to do with them. A simple paint job for the metal lid doesn’t ever seem like enough to keep them laying around for a makeover. Also Ive been eyeing a booth solely dedicated to animal figurines but never knew what people were suppose to do with them (or how that booth stayed in business). I guess this means more pb & j’s so that I can get to the bottom of that jar of peanut butter!

Easy diy tutorial was found here but I think its pretty easy and simple enough- all you really need is some super glue, spray paint, glass jars and a few of those useless plastic animals.

My future lego kitchen island

10 Oct

How come this hasn’t been thought of sooner! Wait…why haven’t I thought of this sooner?! I found this over yonder and shrieked as I love (almost) nothing more than an easy, simple diy. All you really need is a basic kitchen island from Ikea and a bus load of legos. Being that I plan on being the coolest mom in Baby’s eyes one day, I better get to it. And one day when he’s old enough he can come home from school to find chocolate cake and cookies sitting on top waiting for him.

DIY: wooden veggies (so rad)

12 Sep



Who doesn’t like wooden toys and who doesn’t like play food?! What i dig about these is they’re plain and simple. And even cooler handmade. Too cool and too easy. I found the tutorials over at Duo Fiberworks.